So then how does one make poly more accommodating without COMPLETELY altering its fundamental characteristics? Well, there is polyester and there is co-poly. Meaning they mix so many other things into it, you can no longer call it a polyester. Honestly it’s never going to NOT be kind of a jerk on your joints but they are starting to make them less, jerk-like.

Not only are they developing more comfortable co-polys but they’re now making multifilaments that emulate the characteristics of co-polys. Multifilaments are famous for vibration dampening and arm comfort. These two I’ve found are a match made in heaven and work so incredibly well together. Either combination of co-poly mains / multifilament crosses or vice versa have proven to work really well even for high level players. I prefer multi mains and co-poly crosses.

  • tried and tested in 16×19 98+ sized stiff racquets
  • maintains tension extremely well for a co-poly/multi hybrid
  • multifilament thickness options of 16 or 15L


Hybrid Features

  • Category *Comfort, *Spin, 4.5+, Co-Poly Hybrid, Multifilament Hybrid
  • Duration of Play 20-30 hours
  • Tension 40-60lbs
  • Properties Dynamic-High
  • Price $18+labor
  • Hybrid Category