
I think when they started manufacturing multifilaments to immitate natural gut, there were probably some other chemists and structural engineers who were like, let’s go in the OPPOSITE direction. Why? Why not! In these modern tennis times of spin/polyester/RPMS I think it finally makes sense. Racquets are so powerful now to compensate for the low…


If you can manufacture ANY property into a string, why not infuse such popular poly properties into a multifilament? So this company put poly fibers into their multifilament to create a really interesting string. It’s soft like a multifilament but has similar stretch and low power properties of a poly. I personally think it’s brilliant.


Not soft and mushy like some multifilaments. This one is crisp and powerful. Like how some of us wish natural gut was. This multifilament is actually a little stiff by comparison but that also makes it an easier transition if you’re coming from the world of polys. String manufacturers have been trying to imitate the…