Strings Details

  • Natural Gut Strings

Can you really improve on the OG of tennis string? Yes, you DEFINITELY can and it’s some amazing stuff. So just think of all the amazing properties of natural gut (soft, powerful, comfortable and playable until it breaks) without ANY of the problems (swells and breaks with moisture, frays quickly). Yes, my head is dunked in that punch bowl and I am gulping it up. They basically took natural gut and put some crazy coating on it which basically solved all the problems uncoated gut had. Was there any sacrifice? Yes, it’s a tiny bit stiffer but that’s honestly a small price to pay for strings that make tennis so enjoyable. The feeling of the ball impacting natural gut it like no other.

Bodybuilding 95%
Cardio & Cycling 88%
Yoga Fitness 75%
Boxing & Dancing 70%