Strings Details
- Polyester Strings
Poly is infamous for 2 things:
- extreme stiffness
- losing tension
Then came along Isospeed Cream! They also stopped calling it poly and gave it a new name: co-poly. That’s because there were so many additional ingredients they couldn’t simply call it poly. I dunno, I’m not a chemical engineer.
Cream was one of the first soft co-polys that had about the same stiffness as a “synthetic gut” and was the best at holding its tension (only lost about 25% of tension vs 40-60% loss from many early polys). These 2 things were unheard of in the poly world. I personally think it was a game changer for those who were about to say goodbye to polys. I was one of them.
I also think it’s one of the more powerful polys out there. Now, mind you, it is still a poly and only lasts for 3-8hrs (it only lasts about 2.5 singles matches for me) but when it’s fresh OMG it plays so nicely!